Cathedral Grove (2019) for orchestra


Winner of the 2019 UC Davis Symphony Orchestra Composition Competition. Premiered 1 June 2019, Christian Baldini, conductor.

Click here for perusal score

For me, the orchestra is a very special thing: I love its beautiful concert halls, its rituals, and the great works that have been written for it. I especially love how so many people assemble together, both onstage and off, to present and hear this music. As I was deciding what to do with this piece, I thought about how much an orchestra, and all its accompanying social structure, is similar to our national parks. We take time out of our busy days to go experience something out of the ordinary; we’ve decided as a culture how much certain extraordinary places mean to us, and how important it is to preserve them for future generations. The Muir Woods–of which the “Cathedral Grove” is a part– is one such place for me. And there’s immediate beauty, yes, but these ancient trees have been around long before us and will hopefully still be there long after we’re gone: this evokes a very sublime feeling. John Steinbeck said in his book Travels With Charley that “No one has ever successfully painted or photographed a redwood tree;” this piece is my humble attempt to, instead, make a painting in sound. I tried to capture some of that sublime feeling, and also vitality, majesty, tenderness, silence, light or color filtering through the tops of trees, etc.  

(excerpted from an interview with Maestro Christian Baldini; read the full interview HERE)